sábado, 14 de abril de 2007

Day one...

Today I started coding. My project is to create a MonoDevelop Add-In that adds support for C/C++.

My mentor, Michael James Hutchinson, is an awesome guy who helped me enormously, on my very first day of coding! he taught me in the ways of svn (I'm rather new to Linux and open source development :p) and showed me how to get my project set up and good to go in the MonoDevelop tree.

Cool trick he taught me: have two versions of MonoDevelop, one you develop in and one where you test your code in.

This was probably obvious to everyone else but me, but hey at least now I know...

Didn't get much done today, mostly learned svn and dug into source code for other Language Bindings.

As of right now, once you install my adding in MonoDevelop you can create a new, Empty C Project, and it will recognize the language as C, how exciting! >_>

Thats pretty much it for now, see you later folks!

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