- You must have a recent MonoDevelop svn checkout (There are breaking changes that did not make it into MD 0.15, specifically an updated addin extension tree) so the checkout needs to be quite recent.
- The banshee source which comes with an MD solution, I checked out todays svn, I'm not sure if the packaged tarball includes this.
- Download this file: http://groups.google.com/group/mono-soc-2007/web/libbanshee.tar.gz
- CBinding.dll: This is the C/C++ AddIn I have been working on, all you have to do is copy it to (assumming you use make run to run your svn MD) {MD_ROOT}/build/AddIns/BackendBindings. Alternatively you can follow these instructions if you want to keep up with CBinding development from svn: http://mdmagsoc.blogspot.com/2007/07/testing-out-current-work.html.
- libbanshee.mdp: This is the MonoDevelop project for libbanshee, just copy it to {BANSHEE_ROOT}/libbanshee
- libbanshee.diff (optional): This is a patch that adds libbanshee.mdp to the banshee MD solution.
It should be noted that I'm not at all familiar with the banshee build process, so I just made the output of libbanshee go to the build folder in the banshee root folder, I'm not sure if this is correct behavior.
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