domingo, 8 de julio de 2007

Testing out current work

If you have an svn build of MD, its very easy to to test out the CBinding addin.
Make sure you have a recent revision (at the time of this writing, the latest was 81606)

Apply this patch in the MD root directory:

--- (revision 81606)
+++ (working copy)
@@ -490,6 +490,7 @@
Index: Extras/
--- Extras/ (revision 81606)
+++ Extras/ (working copy)
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@

-SUBDIRS = MonoDevelop.DesignerSupport Deployment MonoDevelop.SourceEditor MonoDevelop.Autotools CSharpBinding DebuggerAddIn ILAsmBinding MonoQuery JavaBinding BooBinding NemerleBinding NUnit MonoDeveloperExtensions VersionControl VBNetBinding prj2make-sharp-lib WelcomePage ChangeLogAddIn MonoDevelop.GtkCore AspNetAddIn AspNetEdit MonoDevelop.WebReferences
+SUBDIRS = MonoDevelop.DesignerSupport Deployment MonoDevelop.SourceEditor MonoDevelop.Autotools CSharpBinding DebuggerAddIn ILAsmBinding MonoQuery JavaBinding BooBinding NemerleBinding NUnit MonoDeveloperExtensions VersionControl VBNetBinding prj2make-sharp-lib WelcomePage ChangeLogAddIn MonoDevelop.GtkCore AspNetAddIn AspNetEdit MonoDevelop.WebReferences CBinding

In a terminal, cd to the Extras directory and enter the following commands:

$ svn propset svn:externals "CBinding" .
$ svn up

Now just build MD, note that there is currently no option to enable/disable CBinding, if you want to disable it you will have to undo what the patch did (which takes a second or two).

Also note that there is still a lot to do, this project is not finished!

I hope I didn't forget anything... and any feedback is very welcome.

Oh, almost forgot, don't laugh at my crappy icons :( I did my best, someone who has better ones I can use please let me know.

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